Thankyou Kalmar and Ignite Architecture for your continued support of the combination of the Conqra 250micron Apache and the Thermakraft 300micron concrete slab underlay shown on this site photo for the Metlifecare project in Kerikeri Northland.
The combination of these 2 products creates the ultimate solution to the underside waterproofing of concrete foundations.
With the radical weather conditions we are being subjected to of late, we can no longer assume that water will not egress the underfloor plumbing penetrations and membrane.
If water is to egress these areas, it will take years for the concrete to dry out! Possibly as long, if not longer than the lifespan of the house.
The hermetic heat sealing process that adheres the Apache base plate to the seamless vertical tube combined with the resilience of the Thermakraft 300-micron underlay is undoubtedly the ultimate under-slab protection.
The Apache is a free control vapour barrier slip joint for penetrations and capping. It is used to prepare sub-floor bases in tandem with the laying of DPM membranes to protect penetrations by underground services, ducts and piles.