Apache - Vapour Barrier for Penetrations and Capping
The Apache is a free control vapour barrier slip joint for penetrations and capping. It is used to prepare sub-floor bases in tandem with the laying of DPM membranes to protect penetrations by underground services, ducts and piles.

Apache Features
- Standard thickness is 250-micron plastic.
- Available in 150mm and 250mm sizes. For options outside these sizes contact us direct.
- Used to prepare sub-floor bases in tandem with the laying of DPM membranes to protect penetrations by underground services, ducts and piles.
- You will achieve the required free movement joint in conjunction with vapour barrier control.
And, Apache vapour barrier slip joint kits can be found at all leading building merchants throughout New Zealand.
What are the Benefits of Using Apache for Vapour Barrier Protection?

Apache is a simple solution to a tricky problem
By removing the need for bubble-wrap or polystyrene collars, Apache tidies up a messy part of the construction process. There’s no need for extensive use of PVC jointing tape, so waste is minimised. The result is a quality installation and a saving in labour cost.

Quick and easy to install
The pre-formed Apache sleeve is designed for easy placement over the penetration, with no specialist skills required. For step-by-step instructions, see our video tutorial.
Read our Guide to Sealing Multiple Penetrations Using Conqra Apaches

Cost effective
Apache provides reliable control of water egress for minimal cost. Simple installation lets you quickly create a reliable barrier and move onto the next task.
Designed and Made in New Zealand for
New Zealanders
With over 25 years in business, Eziyaka products are designed and manufactured in New Zealand, by New Zealanders, for New Zealanders. That means, they are perfect for New Zealand building specifications and conditions.

Available at all leading New Zealand building merchants
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Our pre-cast concrete and poured concrete floor foundation products are stocked and recommended by all New Zealand’s leading building product stores. That means, wherever you are throughout the country, there will be an Eziyaka stockist nearby.